UETDRRF004 Perform rescue from a live LV panel + HLTAID009 Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Started on January 1, 1970 1 Day

Date: 8 February 2024

Location: Cobar


PRE-REQUISITES: There are no pre-requisites for this course. 

COURSE NUMBERS:  Minimum 6, maximum 12.

These combined Nationally Accredited courses provides learners with the skills and knowledge required to perform a rescue from a live low voltage electrical apparatus in an electricity supply environment and apply CPR, if required.  This does not include overhead lines and underground cables. 

Learning for the course includes: 

  • Workplace requirements for the inspection and use of live LV panel rescue equipment 
  • How workplace requirements apply to ESI workers to meet WH&S / OHS requirements 
  • Mobility and mutual aid requirements 
  • Perform CPR procedures including the use of defibrillators 

Sitetrain is able to incorporate your site’s risk assessment procedures into the presentation and encourages site personnel to become familiar and comfortable with specific site requirements. 

Students will participate in facilitated learning sessions using PowerPoint presentations, handouts, breakout sessions and class discussion.  Training will be co-ordinated from Sitetrain head office and delivered at your workplace. 

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