RII30420 Certificate III in Resource Processing
Price on Application

Started on January 1, 1970 24 Months
Price on Application

A minimum of 4 Core and 9 electives are required for this course.  DURATION: 2 years, however, this can vary depending on RPL approvals.  COST PER STUDENT: We encourage sites to contact our office for a detailed quote:  Ph: 0420 540 682 or Email: kylie@sitetrain.com.au.  Should application(s) for RPL be requested, the cost per unit applied for is $300.00.  PRE-REQUISITES:…

A minimum of 4 Core and 9 electives are required for this course. 

DURATION: 2 years, however, this can vary depending on RPL approvals. 

COST PER STUDENT: We encourage sites to contact our office for a detailed quote:  Ph: 0420 540 682 or Email: kylie@sitetrain.com.au.  Should application(s) for RPL be requested, the cost per unit applied for is $300.00. 

PRE-REQUISITES: The only requirement is that leaners are suitably employed at the mine site where the training is to be held. 

This Nationally Accredited course is only offered to working mine sites to enrol staff employed at their site.  Where appropriate, individual learners with previous experience may be able to apply for Recognised Prior Learning (RPL).  This is dependent on experience and evidence provided and will be assessed on an individual basis. 

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